Leadership Quintet

Leadership Quintet


Board Effectiveness

How can the CEO be best supported within the Board, in what is an isolated role?

How can we make best use of the knowledge, skills & styles of our different Board members?

How can our Board optimise its performance & behaviours to meet future challenges? What do I need to do personally to be successful?

Are the accountabilities understood & effective between the Chair, the NEDs, the CEO & the Executive Team?

How balanced is our Board, how do we need to complement it? What do we think of the capabilities of potential Board recruits?

What Board structures & processes will best drive our effectiveness in governing the company?

Leadership Development

What do I need to do to be effective in my new role as CEO? or to prepare for taking up this role?

How do I lead change in a conservative organisation given an ambitious & fast changing environment? during M&A?

How, as a new leader, can I quickly negotiate the organisation & have my impact valued? 

What will make people want to follow me?

What do I need to do to realise my career aspirations?

Leadership Teams

Do our teams know how they are differentiated & benchmark in the global marketplace so they deliver today & tomorrow’s success?

Does the team have a strong reputation & influence key decisions that lead to desired results?

Do members have the combined capability to deliver the business strategy; - are they more effective as a team than their individual parts?

Are the right people in the team; what is needed for them to contribute of their best?

Do team members model productive behaviours to the organisation that encourage a culture of everyone contributing their best?

Building the Organisation

Do we have the right people doing the right things now, as well as positioned to deliver our vision 5 years hence?

What experiences do our talented people need to multiply their value?

How do we effectively increase our diversity? Does our culture work for our business success, or against it?

Are our managers having timely & effective developmental & ‘difficult’ conversations?

In securing succession for key roles, do we know where we would go internally or externally? How would we fill an immediate gap?

Leadership Assessment

What is our evaluation of our key leaders & teams, including those from an acquisition? What levers will enable their success?

Will this person be effective on our Board, on our Senior Executive Team?

What does our succession look like?

What do we think of a potential external hire? What could they do for us, what are the risks, & how could we mitigate against them?

Leadership Quintet Research

LQ researches areas that provide insight into our clients work & enable their success concerning leadership, leadership teams, board effectiveness, organisational capability & people development.

These areas are either specific to the client or where there is limited academic information on which to draw. Depending on the topic, the research is undertaken within LQ or in conjunction with one of the leading business schools such as the Sloane programme within the London Business School. 

Research undertaken has included:

• Effective leadership styles at different stages of fast-growth high-tech organisations
• Effectiveness of leaders in communicating the organisational vision & way forward
• Leadership differences across the pharmaceutical, retail & mobile media sectors, & what learning can usefully be transferred

Please contact us if you have a specific area of interest. 

Delivered through…

Personal ‘sounding board’ discussions

Developmental coaching

Strategic & operational team meetings

Skills workshops

Psychometrics & 360 degree

Assessment interviews


LQ, a psychology-led, boutique consultancy specialising in organisational leadership

LQ develops exceptional leadership to deliver success through shaping the future whilst driving results

LQ develops leaders & their teams, providing entrepreneurial insight, success focus, & practical, immediate ways forward

LQ is passionate about inspiring leaders to create successful, healthy, sustainable organisations delivering real value

LQ acts today in our dynamically changing world